Brett Tiernan Groves

Clinical Psychologist

M.A. Clin. Psy. (UNISA)

  • "Every person's map of the world is as unique as their thumbprint. There are no two people alike. No two people understand the same sentence the same way... So in dealing with people, you try not to fit them to your concept of what they should be." Milton H. Erickson

  • " A curious thought experiment... Nietzsche's message to us was to live life in such a way that we would be willing to repeat the same life eternally" Irvin Yalom

  • "It is now clear to me that the family is a microcosm of the world. To understand the world, we can study the family: issues such as power, intimacy, autonomy, trust, and communication skills are vital parts underlying how we live in the world. To change the world is to change the family." Virginia Satir

Fees and Payments

Medical Aids

I am registered with the majority of medical aids and accordingly charge standard medical aid rates.

As the client it remains your responsibility to consult with your medical aid regarding coverage of psychotherapy sessions i.e. Quantity of session’s allocated, available funds etc.

It follows that I will submit an invoice/claim for the consultation to your medical aid on your behalf.

Please note that clients will be liable for claims not paid by their medical aids and further, sessions not cancelled with twenty four hours (24h) notice will be charged at the full rate.

Cash Payments

Cash payments are readily accepted and the following rates apply:

Individual Therapy (60 minutes) – R1395.00

Family Therapy (60 minutes) – R1395.00

Couples Therapy (60 minutes) – R1395.00

PR NO: 0493635  HPCSA PS 0117650  Cell: 083 388 8173

117 Main Road, Heathfield, Cape Town, 7945